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Minutes 6-3-08 & Addendum

Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Police  Commissioners held on Tuesday, June 3, 2008 in the Lower Conference Room, 3 Main Street, Newtown, CT. Chairman Mattegat called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

PRESENT: Carol Mattegat, Robert Connor, Brian Budd,  Bruce Walczak. ABSENT: Duane Giannini. ALSO PRESENT: Chief Michael Kehoe,  Captain Joe Rios,  eight members of public, one member of press.


Dr. Clarence Trow, 10 Pinnacle Drive, said that since the speed control issues on Queen Street have been discussed since 2004 it is time to take action before someone else is hurt.

Matt McQuail, 25 Queen Street,  feels that there should be sidewalks on both sides of Queen Street along with speed bumps. He feels that speed bumps on Glover would be a waste of time.

Lisa Flores, 32 Queen Street, asked why the focus has changed from Queen Street to Glover and Meadow. She also indicated how many speed tables/bumps several other towns have installed. She spoke to an official at the Southwestern Regional Planning Agency and presented “A Traffic Calming Toolbox – A Technical Resource Developed for the South Western Region of Connecticut” (Attachment A to original minutes).  She said that the issue of litigation has not materialized according to the official at SRPA and that the official said that the town is covered if it meets the State Highway Design Standards. Chairman Mattegat explained that the focus is now on Glover and Meadow because when the Police Commission approved a crosswalk there, Public Works Director Fred Hurley said that he would not install a crosswalk without a speed table and signage for safety reasons. Ms. Flores presented “Town of Greenwich Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program” (Attachment B to original minutes).

Ms. Flores read a letter from resident Jill Bontatibus Beaudry, 36 Queen Street (Attachment C to original minutes), who asked that if speed humps do not make significant changes, try something else as a variety of speed calming devices have been discussed. She is appalled by the fighting between some Board members and the audience; she considers this bullying.

Commissioner Connor noted that the Police Commission approved two speed bumps one year ago but that Public Works has not installed them because they said there are no state standards. Chief Kehoe received a letter from Mr. Hurley stating that the crosswalk at Glover and Queen will be installed during the summer before school begins in the fall.

Gary Sheehan, 72 Queen Street, said that Queen Street has gone from a country road to a race track in the fifty years that he has lived there. We need speed bumps or plateaus on Queen Street. Don’t continue to procrastinate.

John Boccuzzi, 61 Queen Street, thanks the Commission for explaining what the hold up was and asked that they start the process.

Kathy Geckle, 35 Queen Street, said that she understands that this needs to become an ordinance and that the Ordinance Committee of the Legislative Council met on this and will meet again. Chief Kehoe said that Traffic Calming Measures are the subject of the proposed ordinance and that this is an umbrella ordinance.

Dion Gentry, 13 Lovells Lane, asked what the plan is for Queen Street if the traffic calming measure proposed is successful. Chairman Mattegat said that the plan would be move forward. Commissioner Budd noted that there is an item  under New Business tonight for a proposed crosswalk and/or three way stop sign at Queen Street and Lovells Lane.

Matt McQuail, 25 Queen Street, asked if the Board of Selectmen is responsible if this is a safety issue. Chairman Mattegat brought the matter to the attention of the First Selectman and suggested that the residents contact him.

Lisa Flores noted that the Borough supported only the sidewalks. Commissioner Walczak noted that the Borough paid for the sidewalks and perhaps the Town could ante up some money for sidewalks. He said that previously the Queen Street residents did not reach consensus about sidewalks but perhaps that has changed. He said that the Town should have required sidewalks when it sold the houses on Queen Street.

Lisa Flores noted that there is a “Safe Routes to School” program and there is funding out there. Chairman Mattegat suggested that this be brought to the First Selectman’s attention.

MINUTES. The minutes of the regular meeting of May 6, 2008 and the addendum were unanimously approved as amended.

CHIEF’S ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT (May, 2008).  Overtime should be sufficient for the remainder of the year, Budget balances. GL Accounts were included. A full time traffic unit should be operational  July 1 with two officers. A budget encumbrance meeting will be held on either June 10 or June 17. Fleet  three cruisers were received and should be on the road in 2-3 weeks.  Personnel Field Training report was included. Training report was included.  Two Letters of appreciation were received. STC follow-ups for Highland, Eton, and High School were included. Queen Street two lanes from south of SNET  north to Church Hill and Queen will be upgraded and reconfigured. All traffic will stop when the buttons are pushed at Church Hill and Queen. The upgrade of the signal will be born by Eton but the light will be maintained by Mr. Kasper. We are waiting for STC permits to go ahead with this project.  Space Needs Study draft is being prepared and Chief Kehoe will forward to the Commission.  Click it and Ticket enforcement has been completed. Citizens Police Academy completed and Officer Costello is commended for a fine job. Three asset forfeiture checks were received.

A verbal report was received from the State that the light at Route 25 and Mile Hill Road does not warrant “No Turn on Red.” The State does not feel that this signage would help. Further discussion will be held and possible action planned when a written report is received from the State.

Discussion was held about establishing two lanes on Route 302 and two lanes on Glover Avenue. Chief Kehoe said that there is an issue with wetlands on Route 302 and traffic queuing at the Elm Drive intersection. At the Commission’s request, Chief Kehoe will recommend to the STC placing a sign “Do Not Block Intersection” at Elm Drive and Route 302. Chief’s evaluation is due in July 2008. Mock accreditation was held today and was well received. Accreditation assessment will be planned for June 24

CAPTAIN’S OPERATIONAL REPORT (May, 2008)  included Motor Vehicle Activity Report, DUI Report, Monthly Calls for Service, Traffic Enforcement Unit Report and Detective Division Report.. The Department worked with the Regional Traffic Squad during the Click it and Ticket campaign and Newtown has 89-92% compliance. DUI Enforcement over Memorial Day resulted in three DUI arrests, numerous tickets, 74 motor vehicle stops, 5 motor vehicle crashes investigated. There will be another checkpoint on Saturday June 21 into Sunday June 22.

Chief Kehoe noted an article in the News-Times concerning cell phone enforcement that indicated that Newtown is the leader in the region.

Chairman Mattegat noted that several residents go through the No Turn on Red light at Queen Street and Church Hill Road.


Updated  report on Glover Ave., Queen St. (in front of the Middle School) & Meadow Road crosswalks. This was discussed earlier including the memo from Public Works Director Fred Hurley.

Report  on Board of Police Commissioners Exit Interview Policy. (Commissioners Budd & Giannini).  This will be tabled until the next meeting because Commissioner Giannini was not present.

Preliminary Improvement Options of the Study Committee of the Queen Street Area Traffic Improvement Study of 2006. The Commission asked the Board of Selectmen to ask that HVCEO request that the traffic consultant revisit  the Queen Street and Glover Avenue intersection at no cost to the Town. Commissioner Connor recommends a T intersection or a three way stop sign. Mr. Walczak agrees with a three way stop. Chief Kehoe feels there would be confusion as to who has the right of way and what is the through road. The Commission will wait for the results of the study that was requested.


Commissioner Budd’s recommendation for a stop sign and crosswalk on Queen Street and Lovell Lane. Commissioner Budd recommends a three way stop sign at Queen Street and Lovell Lane to slow traffic. Chief Kehoe said that we traffic engineering study needs to be completed before such a project is undertaken but that the Department could do preliminary work to review the warrants. Commissioner Budd moved to proceed with a traffic engineering study for a three way stop sign at either Queen Street and Lovells Lane or Queen Street and Elizabeth Street. Second by Commissioner Connor.  Motion passed 3-1. YES 3 (Budd, Connor, Walczak). NO 1 (Mattegat).

Commissioner Walczak’s request to review crosswalks throughout the Town of Newtown. Commissioner Walczak moved that Chief Kehoe and  Public Works Director Hurley survey the existing crosswalks and come up with a plan on how to make them safer. Second by Commissioner Connor. Chief Kehoe noted that only four are Town crosswalks and the rest are the State’s. Commissioner Walczak suggested signs or lights to enhance safety.

Motion unanimously carried. Chief Kehoe will assign this task to the Traffic Unit.

Discussion and action on Department Budget Transfers.

Commissioner Walczak moved to transfer from Account 01310-1003 Sworn Personnel $35,000.00 to Account 01310-1005 Police Overtime $35,000.00. Second by Commissioner Connor and unanimously carried.
Request for secondary employment by Sgt. Rich Robinson. Commissioner Connor moved to approve Sgt. Robinson’s request for secondary employment. Second by Commissioner Walczak and unanimously carried.


EXECUTIVE SESSION.  Commissioner Connor  moved to enter executive session at 8:50 p.m. to review-Non-Certified Candidates for the position of Probationary Police Officer and to invite Chief Kehoe and Captain Rios to attend.  Second by Commissioner Budd  and unanimously carried.

At this time the clerk left the meeting.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk



At 10:54 P. M., the Board left executive session.

At 10.55 P. M. Commissioner Connor moved to establish a rank order list to hire Probationary Police Officers (listed below) and to offer firm offers of employment to the highest ranking candidates based upon available academy seats; said firm offer to be conditioned on the candidates successfully passing all POST requirements and being policy compliant with all applicable work rules, seconded by Commissioner Budd, unanimously passed by the Board.

1.      Aileen Murphy
2.      Steven Siecienski
3.      John McDermott
4.      Joseph Nolan
5.      Joseph Michael  

At 10.55 P. M. Commissioner Connor moved to adjourn, seconded by Commissioner Budd, unanimously passed by the Board.

Submitted by:__________________________________
Chief Michael K. Kehoe
Carol Mattegat, Chairperson